3 Reasons Why You Should think like an Entrepreneur and Pursue your Dreams NOW

You can solve problems.

Daily, I can think of several problems that need a product solution or service. I know you have had the same experience where you think, “if only this product did xyz.” Or, “I wish there was someone who would do xyz for me.” Well, that someone is you. You have the opportunity to solve your issues and the issues of others.

Tax Advantages for Business Owners are Greater than those for Employees.

We have been told, “there is no free lunch.” But, that is not true. Business owners eat free lunches all the time. As you grow your business, you are eligible for tax deductions for meals, transportation mileage, laptops and other business supplies, and education expenses that are related to your business.  As an employee, you can still take advantage of these benefits while starting a home based business.

No one will pay you your worth.

A former co-worker gave me the photo above on my 3rd day on the job. It said, “Work is like a whorehouse. The better you perform, the more you get screwed.” He told me to pace myself and not to rush to volunteer for every project team. I laughed but I didn’t listen. I spent lots of long nights in the office while some of my colleagues left at 4pm and made the same or a higher salary than me. I thrived on the trust and recognition but later felt duped. After many nights of frustration, I realized, “no one should decide your worth.” So, I left and got a new job that helped me cultivate new skills sets at the same pay rate, but with less grueling hours.  In deciding your worth, more money may not be in the equation. Although, money is a nice reward for more effort and creativity. You may need more flexibility or more vacation days. Whatever “worth” means, you should decide.




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