Which Personal Finance Guru has it right? Suze Orman, Dave Ramsey, or Robert Kiyosaki

When I was younger, I loved Suze Orman. I annoyed my friends by turning the channel to her show when they wanted to watch “Say Yes to the Dress” or some “Animal Planet” episode. My co-workers could periodically count on receiving her books for Christmas or birthdays.  She helped me save a 6-8 month emergency savings cushion as she asked listeners every night, “Can you afford it?”  But once our budgets are under control and we have good credit, should we hold on to large cash savings accounts? 

Then I discovered her kindred spirit, Dave Ramsey.  He told us, “the paid off home mortgage is the new BMW.” I listened to his radio show where listeners called in to scream, “We’re Debt FREEEEE!” I daydreamed about paying cash for a home and never feeling financial anxiety over my basic survival again. Dave Ramsey taught us how to “name every dollar” by using the envelope system and that we shouldn’t even buy real estate unless we could pay cash.   But, should we really forgo investing in real estate until we can only pay cash?

The Total Money Makeover

Later, I finally picked up “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by rogue thinker Robert Kiyosaki.  He made me question if owning a house was really an investment if I lived in it. His books confirmed what I already realized by life experience: Only having one source of income, having a savings account and investing in my 401k would not be the keys to reaching my financial goals.  Especially in major cities. the cost of living can eat up your disposable income and 2008 proved that your 401k can not be your only retirement strategy. I have big financial dreams and little dreams like never questioning whether to get a mani/pedi, taking two international vacations a year, and having enough money to care for myself and if necessary, my parents once we are older.

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So, Rich Dad Poor Dad was definitely the catalyst to think differently. Kiyosaki said I needed a business that could one day run without me as sole proprietor.  Also, his books taught that the subsequent real estate I purchase and rent out  or flip will be true investments.  I’ve explored many side hustles along the way: Mary Kay Cosmetics, Tour Guide,  and a brief stint as a Fitness Instructor. But I think hosting through Airbnb and Real Estate investing will give me the highest return on investment.  Which personal finance books encouraged you to think differently and make changes in your life?


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