Hello Ladies,

I’m Natasha Boyce, your Money Savvy Sista, helping you have more fun and freedom with your finances. And I want to share with you the third principle of my money philosophy. The third principle is to remind you that YOUR MONEY BELONGS TO YOU.

This reminder is necessary because sometimes we feel it doesn’t belong to us. We are disconnected from our money and believe that it belongs to Peter and Paul. Didn’t your parents say, “I gotta rob Peter to pay Paul?” We believe it belongs to Uncle Sam at tax time, the heffa Sallie Mae all the time, to Murphy when stuff goes wrong, and Bill. I learned about him when I was 3 years old. I would ask my parents and my grandma for candy or a new toy and they would say, “No, I gotta pay bills.” They said it so much I said, “Who the hell is Bill and why does he get everything?”

Maybe your money belongs to your family, your church, the less fortunate…anybody but you. So why would you take care of something and budget it if it doesn’t belong to you?Where does the motivation come from if the resource you work so hard for is in service of everybody but you? That’s why you don’t know where it all went by the end of the month. That’s why you’ve let people borrow money who have no desire to pay you back.That’s why you are out shopping with guilt and hiding purchases because you don’ have a plan for spending.

So I’m here to remind you that your money belongs to you. Pay Yourself first. Invest in Yourself first. Put your oxygen mask on first. It’s more than possible to have a plan that takes care of you and all the other priorities and people in your life. But you have to take ownership and take care of your money. I hope that reminder helps.I’m Natasha Boyce, your Money Savvy Sista, helping you have more fun and freedom with your finances.

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